Het is zomer in Auraegon! De zon is achter de wolken vandaan gekropen en schijnt haar verwarmende stralen weer over het hele koninkrijk. Vele maken van de gelegenheid gebruikt en zijn vaak aan het strand te vinden. de temperatuur kan oplopen tot zo'n 34°C.
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Karakter profiel Age: 19 years Species: Shape Shifter: Winged Wolf Love: Nope, don't want it.
Onderwerp: Nathan Malone wo mei 13, 2015 6:46 pm
Name: Nathan Malone Age: 18 Years Gender: Male Species: Shape Shifter
Animal: Winged wolf
Birthdate: 16/07
Description (Human): Nathan has green hair. He has golden eyes. Mostly on his neck are dog tags, just because he likes to wear them.
Description (Wolf): As a wolf, Nathan has an pitch black color fur, his wings are the same color. The only thing that is the same as him as a human, are his scars and eyes.
Faceclaim: Flippy of Happy Tree Friends Eye color: Gold Hair: Green Length: 1'81 meter Weigth: 70 kilo Scars: Nathan has several scars. The scars are on both arms, both legs and even one on his forehead. Extra: Nathan has always a dagger, in his pocket, by his leg. It doesn't matter, he has it always with him. Most of the time, he has two or more with him, but it's rare for him to have one.